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Showing posts with the label Mahasiswa

Why is academic culture so important?

What is the big difference between basic education and higher education? Perhaps the best answer is… Read more Why is academic culture so important?

Designing Effective Qualitative Research

In designing qualitative research , there are at least several stages that must be done by a resea… Read more Designing Effective Qualitative Research

Why are your journal articles rejected?

Have you ever had the experience of articles sent to a journal, after waiting so long it was reject… Read more Why are your journal articles rejected?

Improving Students’ Digital Literacy Through Blogging

It has become a standard menu in lectures that the author is able to, assigning students to create … Read more Improving Students’ Digital Literacy Through Blogging

Business Ideas for college students

Every time giving a lecture, I never get tired of inviting students to do the smallest business wha… Read more Business Ideas for college students

How do students get money from blogs?

Currently, blogs are no longer identified as a medium for posting your thought or personal stories… Read more How do students get money from blogs?