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Why and how to write academic blogs?

Blogs can be a great way for academic writers to reach out to audients that they might not have. Unfortunately, students even lecturers do not like blogging for several reasons. They argue with not enough time to do so. There are many benefits to academic blogs:

Why and how to write academic blogs?
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  1. Provide the possibility of testing an idea, a concept, or a presentation style.
  2. Help your research reach a wider audience, including the general public.
  3. Drill your writing skills by distilling a paper or thought process in a brief legible blog post. Such a skill is very useful for researchers to endeavor to ensure that their work has the greatest possible readership, leading tweets, actions, tastes, impacts, and possible quotes.
  4. Drive people to your search or last article.
  5. Improve your communication skills and how to present information.
  6. Make your search more shareable, for example. via Facebook or Twitter.

Of course, there are also reasons against it. Blogging can consume time, especially if you are that of the configuration and execution of the blog. If you are worried about time, you can decide to start your idea with a well-established blog - write an individual message rather than starting your blog from scratch.

How to create your academic blog?

There is no stipulated academic blog structure, and more informal blog properties mean you can choose to use a more creative approach than usual when writing academic articles. Make sure the flow of your idea and the structure makes sense.

Here are some things to remember when thinking about the structure of academic blogs:

  • Set your points so that the most important ideas come early. Unfortunately, you cannot rely on all the readers to reach the end of the article, so you want to attract their attention as early as possible.
  • Because blogs are online, you can easily use Links, images, videos, and other multimedia to help readers understand what you say.
  • Short paragraphs, the use of a list of bullets and titles can solve the text up, help keep your readers engaged.

So, what steps should you follow to write academic blog posts? These are 10 tips:

Firstly, Choose your topic, set your goals. Before you start writing your blog posts become clear and specific to the topic and why you write it. You might want to discuss what you learned from recent conferences that you attended or write lay summaries from the journal article that you have published.

Secondly, Choose the right platform: After you know your topic and what you want to remove from writing blog posts, select the platform that will meet your goals. Do you want to allow discussion and involvement? Write for a blog that allows for comments - even though you make sure you are ready to respond to this. Do you want to reach a certain audience? For example, online degree training, then write for a blog with this reader.

Thirdly, Use an effective title. For blog posts, you want to use an interesting title, encourage people to click. But at the same time, make sure it is not misleading and accurately reflects post content. Title Snappy e.g. '10 Tips on .... ',' 5 things I learned about ... 'often can attract short-time readers.

Fourthly, Get to know your audience. Who wants you to reach? Are these researchers in your field? Are they from outside your specialty area? General public? Policymakers or media? Cloud computing technology? Keeping your audience at the forefront of your mind is very important in every decision - from choosing the title to choosing an image that will resonate.

Fifthly, Translate your language. Academic blog posts are different from academic journal articles. Often, they are intended for a wider audience, including outside academics so you need to adjust the language with your audience. As a journal and blog editor per Carlbring Note, "Don't use unnecessary technical expressions - it is the art that is difficult to explain complicated principles easily."

Sixthly, Practice. Again, blogs are usually far more concise than journal articles. So, translate your argument too important points.

Seventhly, Create Visual - Using appropriate videos or images can help solve text and make your blog post more interesting to the audience. Make sure you have the appropriate permission to use any image, giving credit to the artist needed.

Eighthly, Think about the whole picture. Your blog post is a publication, so make sure it matches the rest of your research ensures you quote it appropriately and given the intellectual property problems. If your research has not been published, remember any risk by providing information.

Ninthly, Include your social media handle. Include links to your other social media accounts, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other academic networking sites - to help build your online research profile.

Tenthly, Beware of your digital footprint. These days are not infrequently for employers to find potential candidates online. So, make sure your tones are professional and don't include anything you don't want to quote.


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